Your life is not a mere coincidence or a mistake, but a part of His plan; He has a specific assignment for you. Do you know what it is? If not, here are 10 questions to help you discover your true destiny:
1. What is your deepest desire?
Psalm 37:4 says "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." When you decide to serve God, He will actually give you the desire to do what you were created to do. You will know it is a God-given desire because it will line up with His Word.
2. What stirs your passion?
Passion is the zeal, enthusiasm, excitement and intensity you feel about things that are important to you. It will stir you to action. What bothers you the most? God may be calling on you to find a solution to a problem or to be a solution to a problem.
3. What naturally flows out of you?
Have you ever taught someone how to do something that you could do with your eyes closed? It may have seemed simple to you, but complex to them. What is that natural talent or ability you have that others do not?
4. Where do you get real results?
In Luke 13:6-9, Jesus gave us a time guideline for how long it should take to "try something out," such as a job, career, business or ministry. He gave an example of a man who had a fig tree in his vineyard and had been checking for three years to see if it was producing fruit. Then Jesus asked the question, "Why cumbered it the ground?" This was a nice way of asking, "Why is this thing taking up space?" What is taking up space in your life?
5. What is the witness of the Holy Spirit in your spirit?
God will confirm the plan He has for your life. He will sometimes speak through dreams and visions or in a still, small voice. He will make sure He gets the message to you in one way or another. Are you listening? To hear and recognize His voice clearly, you must position yourself by spending time seeking Him, diligently praying and studying His Word.
6. What do mature Christians see in you?
Keep in mind that a "mature Christian" is not just someone who has been saved for a while, but instead is a Believer who consistently makes decisions based on the Word of God. Mature Christians can give you good advice about seeking God's will for your life.
7. What career or ministry do you feel the peace of God about pursuing?
Philippians 4:6-7 says to pray with thanksgiving and let your request be known to God, and He will bring you peace about the things that concern you. Let the peace of God in your spirit man guide you and confirm His will for your life.
8. What thoughts, visions or dreams are impossible to put out of your mind?
God speaks to us in various ways. He will give you thoughts, visions and dreams, but your job is to recognize when it is God's message and when it is not. You will know God has given you a dream, vision or concept when you have spent time seeking Him. He will confirm it through His Word, as well as through people who may speak into your life about the situation. In addition you will see situations and circumstances line up to make your dream or vision come to pass.
9. What goal or ambition can you dedicate yourself to 100 percent, for the rest of your life?
Is there something you can do for hours and really enjoy? What career or job could you do for the rest of your life? When you discover your purpose, it will incorporate all of your gifts, talents and strengths, and you will have a passion for it that enables you to do it even when you are tired.
10. What do people volunteer to help you accomplish?
When you find what you were created to do, God will send people, opportunities and resources to help you along the way. Is there something you do that people want to support? When you get into that place, you will find total fulfillment. Don't waste another moment trying to find satisfaction in all the wrong places; find God's true purpose for your life today!